Feature file
Feature file looks as below:Feature: As a user i want to visit cucumber page
Scenario: Visit cucumber as first page and wp as second page
Given I go to "cucumber" page
Then I should be on "https://cucumber.io/" page
When I go to "WP" page
Then I should be on "https://www.wp.pl/" page
Enum class
Your enum class looks as below:public enum UrlEnum{
public final String urlName;
UrlEnum(String urlName) {
this.urlName = urlName;
public static String getTranslatedEnum(String url) {
UrlEnum nameToTranslate = UrlEnum.valueOf(url.toUpperCase());
return nameToTranslate.toString();
@Override public String toString() {
return urlName;
Enum class UrlEnum keeps url's strings and with method "getTranslatedEnum(urlName)" you might get value of enum's name- which is passed in "String url" from feature step.
Step in steps class
Step in steps class looks as below:@Given("I go to {string} page")
public void iGoToPage(String urlName){
urlToGo = UrlEnum.getTranslatedEnum(urlName);
In project there might be many enum classes, which keep different categories.
Whole template for "Cucumber-java-enums" you find on github:https://github.com/bazylMN/cucumber-java-enum.