środa, 12 grudnia 2018

[QUICK TIP] Cucumber-java: how to configure reports for running tests locally in IDE (IntelliJ)

Sometimes, you need to run tests locally in your IDE. Having two kinds of reports (temporary and saved in file) is possible by configuring both console and "file" reports plugins.
One type of report is temporary console output. 
It needs "org.jetbrains.plugins.cucumber.java.run.CucumberJvm3SMFormatter" plugin ("Cucumber for java") to work fine. Its configuration is set in "Cucumber java" configuration runner after scenario or feature was run, in "Program arguments" row:

 --plugin org.jetbrains.plugins.cucumber.java.run.CucumberJvm3SMFormatter.

You can find it as follow:

Run  Edit Configurations → Cucumber java → name of test → Program arguments

Second type of report is "file" report.
It needs additionally configuration, when tests are running with context menu, not running directly runner class.
Its configuration you set in "Cucumber java" configuration runner after scenario or feature was run (or in cucumber runner template), in "Program arguments" row together with "CucumberJvm3SMFormatter" plugin. Simply type:

"--plugin pretty --plugin html:target/html"

All configuration in "Program arguments" row looks like below:

--plugin org.jetbrains.plugins.cucumber.java.run.CucumberJvm3SMFormatter --plugin pretty --plugin html:target/html"

Report is created in "target" directory as html report with "pretty" (default for Cucumber) formatter plugin. You also get formatted test output in console.

poniedziałek, 10 grudnia 2018

[QUICK TIP] IntelliJ: how to import gradle project when no gradle installed

If you have to import gradle project to IntelliJ and no gradle is installed in system, you can visit gradle home page to get library or allow IntelliJ does the work with installing gradle.
Before importing your target project, you can create temporary gradle project with IntelliJ: simply run IntelliJ, choose "Create new project" and select "Gradle" as type of project.

After temporary gradle project was created, you can import to IntelliJ your target gradle project (temporary one is not needed any more, so delete it).

wtorek, 4 grudnia 2018

[QUICK TIP] Visual Studio: how to resolve lack of references

Lack of reference usually happens, when you import project into IDE or when you switch to branch with some changes.
In Visual Studio you can use NuGet to get necessary libraries/packages.
One way is using general NuGet manager:

Tools  NuGet Package Manager  Manage NuGet Packages for Solution

Another way is using NuGet for particular project in your solution:

[Solution Explorer]  expand solution  expand project → References → context menu → Manage NuGet Packages

Missing references you can browse by name and install in chosen project.
After reference was installed, refresh project tree and build solution/project.